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Zelenskyy’s Lament

Secretary of State Marco Rubio met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergi Lavrov in Saudi Arabiaon February 18th to discuss, among other matters, ending the end to the war in Ukraine.Rubio characterized the meeting as “The first step of a long and difficult journey….The goal is anagreement that is acceptable to everyone involved in it – and that obviously includes Ukraine,but…

Stop Hate

Did you watch Sunday’s NFL playoff game between the Buffalo Bills and the Kansas City Chiefs?The Chiefs narrowly beat the Bills 32-29. It could have gone either way.You probably noticed that the Buffalo players had a tag line on the back of their helmets. Itread, “Stop Hate.”A friend of mine is an avid Buffalo fan. When asked what he thought…


A) Leap out of bed each morning before 0600B) Then, before breakfast:1) Run five miles2) Do 400 sit ups3) Read the New York Times & Wall Street Journal from cover to cover4) Solve Global Warming5) Negotiate peace for at least one war or two regional conflicts6-a) Raise $600K for Biden’s 2028 election campaign(yes, he has decided to run again)(or —…

Voter Fraud

Was there fraud in our recent presidential election?  Yes, there was.  It appears that I might have committed such a crime in casting my vote.Like many Americans, I was hard pressed to vote for either candidate.  Policy positions likely to emerge from a Kamala Harris White House were troubling, to say the least.  Donald Trump’s policies were …. well ……


With less than two weeks before the election, Donald Trump is surging in the polls.  NBC’s early vote tracker showed that the former president had scored advantages in four of the six swing states.  Those states not leaning toward Trump (Nevada & Wisconsin) were tied.How could this be happening so close to election day?Kamal Harris had been riding a wave…

Election Interference

With less than three weeks remaining, a massive, coordinated, attempt to influence theoutcome of our national election has been uncovered.Who is responsible for this assault on our democracy?The Russians? The Iranians? The Chinese?Nope. None of the above.It’s the New York Times.Should have known that.

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"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
— Martin Luther King Jr.

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