
Fools, Knaves & Politicians

Fools, knaves and politicians ….. the world is full of them.  Look around and you will see that it is all too true. Fools are everywhere.  Stumbling around, not sure why they are here.  Gullible.  No, make that delusional.  Believing in whatever the hot topic of the day might be.  Not aware of where they are relative to the rest

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Okay.  You step up to the mirror.  Your smile gives you that amused but sagacious look.  You sweep your hand across your brow, adjusting your hair just so.  You take your shirt off, leaving only your tee shirt.  You flex your chest and throw your shoulders back. Stepping back from the mirror, you nod.  You acknowledge that you are an

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Who Goes First

Look ….. look over there by the door.  Do you see the elderly couple standing there, undecided as to how they ought to proceed? He is saying to her, “You don’t know what lies ahead.  Let me go first.  I will check it out and make sure that everything is okay.” She pauses, then shakes her head. “No, that’s okay. 

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We Got Him Now

In the never-ending quest to finally dispose of Donald Trump, a new tactic has recently emerged. According to a November 30th story in the New York Times, the city’s mayor, Eric Adams, asserted that he had the authority to involuntarily commit the mentally ill. The headline said it all: “On City Streets, Fear and Hope as Mayor Pushes to Remove

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Trump 2024

There are three compelling reasons why Donald Trump must run for president in 2024. First, consider those journalists who for years have flourished by bashing Trump.  There are more than a few out there.  Without Trump they would be forced to have to actually report the important events and issues of the day.  That challenge would severely tax the skills

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My morning routine is simple.  My alarm goes off at 0600.  I go to the kitchen and begin getting breakfast ready.  Most mornings I will turn the TV on but keep the sound muted so as to not disturb those who may still be asleep. This morning when I powered up the TV, it was tuned to CNN.  Remember at

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Democracy In Peril

Democracy In Peril! ….. Democracy In Peril ….. Democracy In Peril You have heard the cry.  Political commentators, both left and right, picked up this dire warning during the run up to the Mid Term elections. All of which begs the question: how will you know if your democracy is, indeed, in peril?   Simple.  If your side loses, then democracy

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Mental Health

News Flash! News Flash! You heard it here first. A looming national health crisis has pushed the United States into an irreversible downward decline.  The facts speak for themselves. A national health survey, conducted just this Monday morning, confirmed that reported cases of anxiety and depression among elite, college educated, liberals tripled from Friday to Monday. How could this have

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Putin’s Removal

Putin’s fate?  Rumors abound.  CIA, NSC and State refuse to comment.  All of Washington is trying to keep a lid on it.  Despite denials all around, it seems that a resolution is at hand. The terms and conditions under which Putin will agree to step down are complicated, but it is clear that no deal would have been possible without

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Funeral Procession

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, passed away peacefully at Balmoral Castle on September 8th. The ceremonial pageantry that followed was matched only by the national outpouring of love at her passing. In the days that followed, Donald Trump was glued to his television, mesmerized by the exhaustive network coverage. Seeing the massive crowds lining the streets of central London for

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When we were teenagers, birthdays were eagerly anticipated.  They were rites of passage: a driver’s license to gain new freedom; permission to buy booze legally; the right to vote in elections.  Birthdays were good. In our 20’s and 30’s, birthdays came and went, sometimes an excuse for a party but often not of any significance.  They just happened.  So what?

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Failing Democracy

How many times have you heard phrase that so-and-so is “a threat to democracy as we know it? “  Probably too many times to count. But have you taken time to understand what that phrase actually means?  Does it mean that the policies or actions of an individual would, if successful, undermine the constitutional foundation upon which our country is

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