
Hawley’s Fundraiser

Elections are expensive.  Politicians are forever challenged to come up with new ways to raise money. Senator Josh Hawley’s latest fundraiser will be a 10K race called the “Josh Hawley Run From The Insurrectionists Race.” Run Josh, run.

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All men are pigs. Ralphie is a card-carrying male chauvinist pig.  This honor was confirmed a couple of days ago during his regular morning walk with Jumbo, his happy-go-lucky Jack Russell terrier. Rounding the corner on their way to the park, two attractive women crossed in front of them.  One of them smiled and said, “Oh, isn’t he cute.” Ralphie

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Jan 6th Hearings #2

The Senate Select Committee’s hearings into the January 6th attack on our nation’s capital have certainly provided dramatic theater for national newscasters.  Carefully choreographed and artfully presented, the live coverage has shown the chaos and terror that exploded on that fateful day. Much drama, for sure.  But have you taken the time to ask yourself what had been the purpose

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January 6th Hearings

Riveting ! Pulse pounding drama !!  Must see TV ! Will One Man succeed in thwarting the will of the American People?  Or will the Courageous Committee Chairman, with his band of Passionate Patriots, block his evil machinations? Watch as this drama unfolds.  Hold your breath as each malevolent move is revealed.  Will Democracy survive or will we sink into

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UFO Hearings

Did you hear the news?  On May 17th, Congress held hearings to discuss what they called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, what we call UFOs. Traditionally, congressional hearings have been held to accomplish the following: (1) to gather information relating to pending legislation; (2) to prepare for legislation that may occur in the future; and (3) to oversee existing federal programs. The

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Supreme Court Leak

It is the hot news story of the day.  Questions abound.  Someone in the Supreme Court leaked information indicating that Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 landmark decision affirming a women’s right to choose to have an abortion, might be overturned.  Who leaked this information? (As an aside, my doctor noted that at my age – 76 – I should expect

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Supreme Court Leak

It is the hot news story of the day.  Questions abound.  Someone in the Supreme Court leaked information indicating that Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 landmark decision affirming a women’s right to choose to have an abortion, might be overturned.  Who leaked this information? (As and aside, my doctor noted that at my age – 78 – I should expect

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Disaster Looms (again)

Have you heard?  Democracy is in peril.  The very future of our country is at risk.  Our children and grandchildren are facing a desperate future.  How could this be? It all comes down to November’s midterm elections.  Radical Trump supporters, the same ones that mounted the January insurrection to overthrow our government, are poised to regain control of both houses

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Poor Politicians

Pity the poor politician.  Every day he is forced to walk a fine line between competing positions.  Every day he is forced to “dance the dance.”  Consider the following example. You are the Honorable Senator from the hypothetical state called Boomwana.  Your state is home to one of the nation’s most important defense contractors.  Because of your success in securing

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Title 42

Ask someone whether or not Title 42 should be repealed, and you will get one of two answers. Both are flawed. One answer would be: “Hell yes. It is a stupid Trump law designed to deny immigrants entry into the United States and to bolster his White Supremacist constituency. Repeal it.” The other answer would be: “Hell no. Biden wants

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Title 42

Ask someone whether or not Title 42 should be repealed, and you will get one of two answers.  Both answers are flawed. One would be: “Hell yes.  It is a stupid Trump law designed to deny immigrants entry into the United States.  It only bolsters his White Supremacist constituency.  Repeal it.” The other answer would be: “Hell no.  Biden wants

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US Snipers in Ukraine

Covert operations by the United States in support of the Ukrainian resistance?  You bet.  The US has found a way around existing restrictions and is active in country. This is not for publication, but American operatives from Seal Team Six were recently spotted in the back alleys of Kyiv.  Two sniper teams have been deployed to take out high value

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