

You have heard of the recent legislative initiative called “B B B,” haven’t you?  What do those three initials mean to you? President Biden would answer, “Build Back Better.” No surprise here.  The Democrats in Washington are obligated to put a positive spin on their proposed spending package.  Oh, and by the way, it is not just Democrats.  Both parties

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Something piss you off today?  Did you get hit with a series of annoying things that got you really angry?  Hey, you are not the Lone Ranger, it happens to all of us, many times throughout the day.   Yes, irritating things happen.  You are late for an appointment and traffic lights all seem to flick to yellow just as you

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Drift or Focus

Drift or Focus?  Which would you choose?  Hey, don’t get twisted up over this.  Both are okay.  It just depends on where you are in your life. For some, each day will be energized with challenge.  Lofty goals and driven purpose.  Success will come from intense focus, from being intentional in everything you choose to do.  That intensity is both

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Your Worst Nightmare

What is your worst nightmare?  Donald Trump running for president again in 2024?  That’s your worst nightmare?  Close, but not quite. Try this scenario.  How would you feel if Donald Trump ran as a Democrat and won the nomination in 2024?  Aaaagh!  That would be your worst nightmare. Okay, if you have stopped foaming at the mouth, if you pulse

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 Old & Ugly

Whoa……just looked in the mirror.  Shock!  Who is that “old fart” staring back at me?  That really ugly old guy?    Groan!  It is me.  Can’t be true.  But it is.  Old and ugly, that’s me. Being old and ugly is not the best way to start your day.  Thankfully, something happened today that gave me a reprieve.  What miracle

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We lived as if this day would never come… ..…but now the end is near. Know that I love you with all my heart… ..…That I love you forever and a day. And when that final moment begins… …..the one that lasts, almost, forever. Take my love to strengthen you… ..…until that moment, finally, ends.

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It’s Not About You

Confrontation …. Hostility …. Anger!  We live in a world where contentious encounters seem to be part and parcel of everyday life.  It is true.  Emotions like these have a way of slamming you when you least expect it.  Consider the following three examples. How do you react when some guy forces his way into your lane of traffic, giving

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Filibuster  —  Keep it or kill it?

Clearly, passionate supporters and detractors abound.  But can we sift through all the noise and learn something?  Read on. Who opposes the filibuster and why?  Frustration is running rampant among Democrats.  Repeatedly thwarted by Senate Republican use of the filibuster, the Democrats have been unable to bring their favored legislative initiatives to the floor for a vote.  Particularly galling has

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Waaaa, waaaa!  I can’t get what I want, so I am going to hold my breath until I turn blue. Or I could just change the rules of the Senate and get rid of the filibuster. Filibuster……Kill it or keep it?  That is the debate roiling Washington today. The “Filibuster” is a legislative maneuver employed to prevent a bill from

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The Doctor is in the house.  The diagnosis is clear.  You are suffering from acute “PPPSD.”  That would be Presumptive Partisan Politics Syndrome Disorder. The New England Journal of Quackery defines PPPSD as “the propensity to automatically assign partisan malfeasance to any position taken by the other party.  This condition makes any rational or objective analysis totally impossible, thus rendering

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Political Poker

The Democrats and Republicans were playing high stakes political poker. The Democrat opened the betting with one Bernie Sanders.  The Republican looked at his cards and said, “I’ll see you and raise a Resurgent Trump.” With a sly grin, the Democrat responded, “I’ll see you with an Elizabeth Warren plus an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.” The Republican realized that he could not

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Garland Confirmation Hearings

President Biden’s nominee for US Attorney General, Judge Merrick Garland, appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee today as part of the confirmation process. He broke from tradition and decided to forgo the usual opening remarks, “Thank you Mister Chairman, Mister Ranking Member, and Members of the Judiciary Committee.  I am honored to appear before you today….” Instead, he rose, smiled,

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