Are you a Trump supporter or a Trump hater? Surprisingly there are still plenty of both out there.
If you are a Trump hater, what is the worst thing that you could do to truly hurt him? Investigation of his tax filings? His handling of the pandemic? Family connections? Russian collusion (yeah, that was tried but it could always be brought back for another run)? Unending and costly law suites?
Not a bad list. But if the goal were to inflict maximum pain, what should a Trump hater do? How about, none of the above? Yes, the most devastating thing you could do would be to ignore him.
Huh? Why should we do that? The answer is simple.
Donald Trump’s history has shown a passion for verbal combat. His persona has been defined by standing up to attacks, both real and imagined. The same could be said of his so called “base.”
Ignoring Trump would deny him that which he needs most: enemies. What would happen if he no longer had “fake news” moan about? Would his base have anything to rally against? Probably not.
Ignore Trump? Unfortunately, there are too many Trump haters who could not do that. No matter how important the outcome, their knee-jerk hatred would be so ingrained that they simply could not let go. Conditioned by four plus years of hatred, they are unable to look beyond the moment. They have been blinded to the real opportunity of making him totally irrelevant. Momentary gratification of their hatred leads them to ignore the long-term goal of putting him out of the conversation forever.
If you are one of the many Trump haters, which would you choose? Continue to lash out at every given opportunity, or ignore him?
Take away his “enemies” and the battle would be over. He would fade away, just another failed politician. He would become that which he most fears. He would become irrelevant.
What worse punishment could you inflict on him?